Flash & Dash

My Flash and Dash special photo sessions are for individuals looking for one, quick professional headshot.

5 Things You Should Know About Professional Headshots

When a prospective customer or client views you or your company’s products or service, naturally potential doubts arise in their minds.
The challenge is to gain their confidence and trust quickly to avoid them clicking off your website, Social Page or online advertising post and onto a competitor.

Professional Headshots and Branding photography need to have the following in order to make a connection and have prospective clients taking the next step in contacting you as opposed to your competitor.

  • They Have to be Current
    You have to laugh when on LinkedIn and you see peoples profile photos are old wedding photos, college pics or photos with someone’s arm across shoulders etc. They might be cute photos but they just do not promote confidence in you or your brand and they are a major turn-off for the viewer who doesn’t know you.

Must Read: 4 Headshot Photography Myths You Can Discard Today

  •  Profile Photos Need to be Warm and Approachable
    The viewer needs to quickly connect and trust and want to do business with you or contact you before anyone else. If you look cold and miserable people will get that vibe about you from your photos and quickly move on to someone who looks inviting and caring.

  • Properly Lit – Studio or on Location
    A Professional Headshot should always be lit correctly with studio lighting to reveal your personality and give the viewer a little glimpse into who you are. Although the photo from the bar at the last conference is a fun memory for you it is a huge turn off for those seeking a professional services or looking to buy a product or hire you. At the end of the day a poorly lighted photo might do more damage than good to a brand.


  • Correctly Exposed
    This is so important, highlights that are blown out or shadows that are plugged will not hold detail. That detail is who you are and how the people around you see you everyday. If your photo lacks detail at either end of the dynamic range it’s probably doing more damage to your brand than good! (including brand “You”)

  • In Focus
    Profile photos and website photos should always be tack sharp, after all that’s what you pay a Professional Photographer for! It’s amazing the number of blurry photos that are posted to websites, social media and are representing people, products and often whole companies and their brands. I guess the attitude might be “if they don’t care, I don’t care and click, on they go to a competitor”. Whether it’s a Professional Headshot, Branding Photography or Product Photography for a website it is critical that all images are “tack sharp” after all it’s your brand and you, your company, prospects and clients deserve to look at great photography. I hope this helps you and I have to give you a lot of credit for reading this and considering taking the next step. The step that successful professionals take and get more information about having a great Professional Headshot and Brand Photography to elevate your opportunities! Chris Cottrell, CPP is an Atlanta based Professional Headshot Photographer with Cottrell Photographers, specializing in Branding Photography, Portrait Photography, Wedding Photography

Also Read: Are Professional Headshots Worth it?

Also Read: What Are Professional Headshots

Also Read: 3 Reasons Why Professional Headshots Are Important

Also Read: What’s the Right Outfit for Professional Headshots?

Also Read: What to Wear for Headshots

Also Read: PROFESSIONAL HEADSHOTS – The Best Investment you can make in Yourself…


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Successful headshot & branding photography

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